Let's face it losing the new car look sucks.
There's a sh*tton of useless car care info out there.
Ceramic coatings, Graphene, and a bunch of other bullshit.
This is the last piece of car care information you'll ever need to read. You're welcome.
Back in the day, car paint was very thick and durable.
But due to government regulations not anymore
Therefore here's a free tip to determine if your car paint is in danger of losing the glossy finish.
Using the Simple Sandwich Bag Trick.
It takes less than 10 seconds to do.
Go to your kitchen and grab a sandwich bag.
Insert your hand and gently glide it across your car's surface.
If you hear a scratchy, scuffing noise, your paint is oxidizing (AKA breaking down).
Glossy and protected paint yields virtually no sound when doing this motion, and should feel slick.
Now if you DON'T hear anything and your paint feels extremely smooth, great.
Your car paint is in good shape, for now at least.
And we'd like to say thank you for your time... Seriously.
We appreciate you clicking on our ad and boosting its relevancy for others to see that really do need this service.
You'll know where to find us in the future should you need us. NO NEED TO READ PAST THIS SECTION. Have a lovely day.
However, if your motion DOES sound raspy and you can feel a bit of friction, well... you're going to want to keep reading.
The ugly truth about your car's paint...
We're not sure why no one else is talking about this.
With all the noise out there for your car's exterior promising to keep it gleaming, from the premium package at the local carwash to your neighborhood detailer offering wax, everyone is quick to offer band-aid treatments to keep your car shiny...
and that will also have you in a revolving door back to their service within a few weeks.
But no one seems to talk about the root problem.
About WHY your car's shine is so difficult to maintain in the first place...
Because the reality is, they'll make a quick buck off your ignorance.
But we think it's fair you know the truth...
That your car paint is as thin as a piece of paper.
And not many people know this, but....
It wasn't always this way.
You see, car paint used to be thick and durable. In fact, decades ago it was equivalent to 7 pieces of paper stacked together...
Nowadays? That's not the case.
And BECAUSE it's this thin, it's less durable and prone to these swirl marks, scratches, water spots, and brake dust....
To make matters worse, your vehicle's paint is also continually vulnerable to fading...
The culprit?
Well, a few things actually. And we promise we'll show you exactly how to fix this problem.
But first let's take a look at what these "paint killers" are:
Paint killer #1: Uv Rays
One of the most misunderstood sources of paint oxidation is assuming that direct sunlight is the cause of it. That’s not quite accurate.
While oxidation is produced by the combination of heat and oxygen, the ‘heat’ is actually derived from UV rays.
As UV light continually hits the clear coat, it slowly penetrates the coating and begins to heat the paint...
This introduces oxygen to the under-layer of paint, and as heat is absorbed by the metal, fading occurs.
While California is typically a coveted area for it's friendly weather and sunlight, unfortunately this also comes with pairing of some of the strongest UV rays in the United States.
Paint killer #2: Salt
People living in ocean coastal communities aren't often aware of the negative impact that salt has on their equipment...
You might find the salty air along the coast refreshing. But your car? Not so much...
Whether it’s causing rust on the undercarriage, motor mounts, exhaust pipes, or the body panels, salt sucks.
Salt is NaCI, or sodium chloride, which is not an acid nor is it a base. However, it’s exceptionally corrosive.
The real issue occurs when salt is left on a surface-especially when it’s exposed to UV light... which as we just covered... there's happens to be quite a bit of in California.
And as it heats, the salt crystals will slowly eat away at the clear coating, and eventually the paint surface. Eventually, it gets into the bare metal and rapidly creates rust.
Paint Killer #3: Pollution
It’s no secret that Los Angeles is among the top charted cities in the US when it comes to pollution.
Even the most fuel-efficient engines can only burn about 95% of the fuel that is introduced into the combustion chamber.
It gets worse with diesel and other less refined fuels that have large-chain carbon molecules.
The remainder of unburnt fuel is expelled out of the exhaust system as pollution... yuck.
Additional sources including burning coal produce excessive amounts of carbon particles and end up on your exterior paint...
And the thing is, Carbon is composed of microscopic molecules that are quite hard and jagged, which eventually causes scarring on the clear coat, and oxidation or faded paint.
Paint Killer #4: Abrasive cleaners
The reality is that some automotive cleaners do quite the opposite of perfecting your paint, as they are heavily abrasive...
You may recognize this as a popular product on the shelf at your local auto shop.
Unfortunately, products like these are very harsh, containing high percentages of solvent (an ingredient to be used sparingly when it comes to your car).
While these products give the promise of quick removal of scratches, oxidation and water spots, in fact they can end up removing factory UV inhibitors...
Essentially, abrasives act like sandpaper on your car’s paint surface. Need we say more?
So, let's recap...
Your car paint is naturally weak.
And it is continually being exposed to and tarnished by the harsh LA elements.
Plus popular products that have highly abrasive properties may leave you with a temporary shine but actually continue to ERODE your paint...
Dude. It’s a never-ending cycle.
So, now what.
Well, you can forever go to the car wash down the street, maybe even get the "Ultimate Shine" wash package just to have to go again 2 weeks later... (and risk stripping your paint with all the leftover grime on the cleaning machines acting like sandpaper on your car).
Or you might even consider taking it to a local detailer and maybe they’d do a fair job, and even attempt to put a cheap wax on it...(which will deteriorate rapidly in the sun and dulls the appearance of your paint).
But we're willing to bet you still won’t get the results you’re looking for.
Maybe you’ll even consider getting a ceramic coating by a shop in your area that seems decent, only to find out how ridiculously expensive it is
Are these services promising to preserve my car shine just a scam?
Are they using anything that would even help protect and preserve my car paint at all?
Am I going to do more damage to my car than good if I go “the cheap route”?
Will I ever be able to easily preserve the look of my car at an affordable price?
You are probably starting to wonder if what you are currently doing to “take care” of your car’s exterior is even any good.
Maybe beautiful, glossy cars were only meant for people who spend thousands a year to keep their car looking that way…
Maybe my car paint is simply doomed to age and oxidize with time and that's just the way it is.
You can be sure that it will in fact oxidize without any real protection, due to its delicate nature.
Because honestly, just 3-5 months down the road, a combination of the weather, a few carwashes and numerous DIY attempts using products from the local auto shop will have your vehicle looking like this...
As you can tell, using only the average products and services with the harsh environmental contaminants found in LA, vehicles just don't stand a chance...
And if you're not aware, your vehicle could lose an average of $2,000 in reselling down the road with a finish that looks like this.
And it makes no sense to let it get to this point.
Which can happen quicker than you think...
And the reality about it is…
97% of Detailers are "Wannabes"
Sorry, not sorry.
By now you already know that carwashes slowly deteriorate your paint week after week...
And popular products on the shelves of your local auto body store contain ingredients too aggressive for your paint...
But what about those "high-end" detailing shops?
Well, we have NO problem spilling the dirty little secrets of this industry here too...
We're aware that the majority of shops anyways are not professionally trained in modern clear coat technology…
In fact, they are still using buffing systems from the 1970's.
These old buffing systems are dangerous in the hands of untrained auto detailers and can easily wear away protective layers of clear coat and burn through paint...
The thing is, most guys out there are looking to make a quick dollar and get on to the next job.
They haven't done the research behind the products they use nor do they have the expertise for the services they offer.
And we know this because we speak with car owners every day who have similar headaches when it comes to finding a reliable company to not only preserve AND protect their car’s finish but treat the owner’s investment as delicately throughout the process as if it were their own...
One that preserves their new vehicle with protection and a showroom shine that last months, not just days...
Just like this:
We decided to bridge the GAP.
That's right, we're choosing to be different.
All because of Salli...
Salli (1964 Ford Mustang) came to me back in 2015 to get a facelift (paint enhancement) to make her look pretty and I did.
But after a few years of polishing, her paint kept getting worse and it was tough to make it look perfect again. This drove me nuts.
Keep in mind that Sally is a garage queen, and only goes out for car shows, so she's never exposed to harsh environmental elements like the sun, LA smog, etc.
I started investigating and wasn't able to find an answer until I called one paint expert who used to work for big car paint manufacturers. What he said surprised me at first, then made total sense.
He said that
Once you remove 0.2 microns of the paint, it is impossible to have a perfect finish.
Therefore, I knew this wasn't going to be easy, nothing worthwhile ever is. So I started to look for a solution for this major problem, investing in formulas, machines, different tools, and 100s of hours of testing.
This affected my personal life in ways that I feel uncomfortable talking about right now...
The result: Now you can have a paint finish that will be more durable, glossier, and won't wash off after the first car wash.
Javier Virgen, Founder
Let's face it losing the new car look suck's.
There's a sh*tton of useless car care info out there. Ceramic coatings, Graphene, and a bunch of other bullshit. This is the last piece of car care information you'll ever need to read. You're welcome.
Back in the day, car paint was very thick and durable.
But due to government regulations not anymore
Therefore here's a free tip to determine if your car paint is in danger of losing the glossy finish.
And we'll show you a way you can find that out real quick that won't cost you a penny...
Using the Simple Sandwich Bag Trick.
It takes less than 10 seconds to do.
Go to your kitchen and grab a sandwich bag.
Insert your hand and gently glide it across your car's surface.
If you hear a scratchy, scuffing noise, your paint is oxidizing (AKA breaking down).
Glossy and protected paint yields virtually no sound when doing this motion, and should feel slick.
Now if you DON'T hear anything and your paint feels extremely smooth, great.
Your car paint is in good shape, for now at least.
And we'd like to say thank you for your time... Seriously.
We appreciate you clicking on our ad and boosting its relevancy for others to see that really do need this service.
You'll know where to find us in the future should you need us. NO NEED TO READ PAST THIS SECTION. Have a lovely day.
However, if your motion DOES sound raspy and you can feel a bit of friction, well... you're going to want to keep reading.
The ugly truth about your car's paint...
We're not sure why no one else is talking about this.
With all the noise out there for your car's exterior promising to keep it gleaming, from the premium package at the local carwash to your neighborhood detailer offering wax, everyone is quick to offer band-aid treatments to keep your car shiny...
and that will also have you in a revolving door back to their service within a few weeks.
But no one seems to talk about the root problem.
About WHY your car's shine is so difficult to maintain in the first place...
Because the reality is, they'll make a quick buck off your ignorance.
But we think it's fair you know the truth...
That your car paint is as thin as a piece of paper.
And not many people know this, but....
It wasn't always this way.
You see, car paint used to be thick and durable. In fact, decades ago it was equivalent to 7 pieces of paper stacked together...
Nowadays? That's not the case.
And BECAUSE it's this thin, it's less durable and prone to these swirl marks, scratches, water spots, and brake dust....
To make matters worse, your vehicle's paint is also continually vulnerable to fading...
The culprit?
Well, a few things actually. And we promise we'll show you exactly how to fix this problem.
But first let's take a look at what these "paint killers" are:
Paint killer #1: Uv Rays
One of the most misunderstood sources of paint oxidation is assuming that direct sunlight is the cause of it. That’s not quite accurate.
While oxidation is produced by the combination of heat and oxygen, the ‘heat’ is actually derived from UV rays.
As UV light continually hits the clear coat, it slowly penetrates the coating and begins to heat the paint...
This introduces oxygen to the under-layer of paint, and as heat is absorbed by the metal, fading occurs.
While California is typically a coveted area for its friendly weather and sunlight, unfortunately, this also comes with the pairing of some of the strongest UV rays in the United States.
Paint killer #2: Salt
People living in ocean coastal communities aren't often aware of the negative impact that salt has on their equipment...
You might find the salty air along the coast refreshing. But your car? Not so much...
Whether it’s causing rust on the undercarriage, motor mounts, exhaust pipes, or the body panels, salt sucks.
Salt is NaCI, or sodium chloride, which is not an acid nor is it a base. However, it’s exceptionally corrosive.
The real issue occurs when salt is left on a surface-especially when it’s exposed to UV light... which as we just covered... there's happens to be quite a bit of in California.
And as it heats, the salt crystals will slowly eat away at the clear coating, and eventually the paint surface. Eventually, it gets into the bare metal and rapidly creates rust.
Paint Killer #3: Pollution
It’s no secret that Los Angeles is among the top charted cities in the US when it comes to pollution.
Even the most fuel-efficient engines can only burn about 95% of the fuel that is introduced into the combustion chamber.
It gets worse with diesel and other less refined fuels that have large-chain carbon molecules.
The remainder of unburnt fuel is expelled out of the exhaust system as pollution... yuck.
Additional sources including burning coal produce excessive amounts of carbon particles and end up on your exterior paint...
And the thing is, Carbon is composed of microscopic molecules that are quite hard and jagged, which eventually causes scarring on the clear coat, and oxidation or faded paint.
Paint Killer #4: Abrasive cleaners
The reality is that some automotive cleaners do quite the opposite of perfecting your paint, as they are heavily abrasive...
You may recognize this as a popular product on the shelf at your local auto shop.
Unfortunately, products like these are very harsh, containing high percentages of solvent (an ingredient to be used sparingly when it comes to your car).
While these products give the promise of quick removal of scratches, oxidation and water spots, in fact they can end up removing factory UV inhibitors...
Essentially, abrasives act like sandpaper on your car’s paint surface. Need we say more?
So, let's recap...
Your car paint is naturally weak.
And it is continually being exposed to and tarnished by the harsh LA elements.
Plus popular products that have highly abrasive properties may leave you with a temporary shine but actually continue to ERODE your paint...
Dude. It’s a never-ending cycle.
So, now what.
Well, you can forever go to the car wash down the street, maybe even get the "Ultimate Shine" wash package just to have to go again 2 weeks later... (and risk stripping your paint with all the leftover grime on the cleaning machines acting like sandpaper on your car).
Or you might even consider taking it to a local detailer and maybe they’d do a fair job, and even attempt to put a cheap wax on it...(which will deteriorate rapidly in the sun and dulls the appearance of your paint).
But we're willing to bet you still won’t get the results you’re looking for.
Maybe you’ll even consider getting a ceramic coating by a shop in your area that seems decent, only to find out how ridiculously expensive it is
Are these services promising to preserve my car shine just a scam?
Are they using anything that would even help protect and preserve my car paint at all?
Am I going to do more damage to my car than good if I go “the cheap route”?
Will I ever be able to easily preserve the look of my car at an affordable price?
You are probably starting to wonder if what you are currently doing to “take care” of your car’s exterior is even any good.
Maybe beautiful, glossy cars were only meant for people who spend thousands a year to keep their car looking that way…
Maybe my car paint is simply doomed to age and oxidize with time and that's just the way it is.
You can be sure that it will in fact oxidize without any real protection, due to its delicate nature.
Because honestly, just 3-5 months down the road, a combination of the weather, a few carwashes and numerous DIY attempts using products from the local auto shop will have your vehicle looking like this...
As you can tell, using only the average products and services with the harsh environmental contaminants found in LA, vehicles just don't stand a chance...
And if you're not aware, your vehicle could lose an average of $2,000 in reselling down the road with a finish that looks like this.
And it makes no sense to let it get to this point.
Which can happen quicker than you think...
And the reality about it is…
97% of Detailers are "Wannabes"
Sorry, not sorry.
By now you already know that carwashes slowly deteriorate your paint week after week...
And popular products on the shelves of your local auto body store contain ingredients too aggressive for your paint...
But what about those "high-end" detailing shops?
Well, we have NO problem spilling the dirty little secrets of this industry here too...
We're aware that the majority of shops anyways are not professionally trained in modern clear coat technology…
In fact, they are still using buffing systems from the 1970's.
These old buffing systems are dangerous in the hands of untrained auto detailers and can easily wear away protective layers of clear coat and burn through paint...
The thing is, most guys out there are looking to make a quick dollar and get on to the next job.
They haven't done the research behind the products they use nor do they have the expertise for the services they offer.
And we know this because we speak with car owners every day who have similar headaches when it comes to finding a reliable company to not only preserve AND protect their car’s finish but treat the owner’s investment as delicately throughout the process as if it were their own...
One that preserves their new vehicle with protection and a showroom shine that last months, not just days...
Just like this:
We decided to bridge the GAP.
That's right, we're choosing to be different.
All because of Salli...
Salli (1964 Ford Mustang) came to me back in 2015 to get a facelift (paint enhancement) to make her look pretty and I did.
But after a few years of polishing, her paint kept getting worse and it was tough to make it look perfect again. This drove me nuts.
Keep in mind that Sally is a garage queen, and only goes out for car shows, so she's never exposed to harsh environmental elements like the sun, LA smog, etc.
I started investigating and wasn't able to find an answer until I called one paint expert who used to work for big car paint manufacturers. What he said surprised me at first, then made total sense.
He said that
Once you remove 0.2 microns of the paint, it is impossible to have a perfect finish.
Therefore, I knew this wasn't going to be easy, nothing worthwhile ever is. So I started to look for a solution for this major problem, investing in formulas, machines, different tools, and 100s of hours of testing.
This affected my personal life in ways that I feel uncomfortable talking about right now...
The result: Now you can have a paint finish that will be more durable, glossier, and won't wash off after the first car wash.
Javier Virgen, Founder
Traditional buffing methods remove too much paint(clearcoat) most detailers are removing the UV/UB inhibitors that are needed to protect your paint from the sun and harsh elements from the environment.
We decided to get our hands dirty with some hardcore testing. After 13 years, 500k invested over 10,000 hours of research testing and development, our Detox Anti-Aging System was perfected. So instead of removing paint, we are adding.
Now your car's paint will be stronger, glossier and making it stupidly easy to maintain.
Before & After
Repaint burned bumper
Repaint burned hood
Polish buffing marks
Diminish value
“Thanks Javier and team, for training us on paint Correction. We are very happy to deliver Glossier cars to our clients”
Lonnie Decker
Manager North LA
“I've delivered many Paganis, this is the best-looking finish. Thank you Javier for the passion and dedication you have given to us”
Francesco Zappacosta
Manager Pagani
“I was extremely impressed by the Gloss that the car i sold to my client looked after 8 years. Javier and his company is Top Notch”
Michael Gregorian
Manager BMW
“GlossBoss is at a complete different level and Javier the owner is always looking for ways to improve the products and services”
Mark Haynes
Manager BH Mclaren
There are a ton of detailers.
Glossboss | Other guys | |
Double money back guarantee | Yes | No |
Licensed, Bonded & Insured | Yes | No |
Small batch lab tested | Yes | No |
Try it before you buy | Yes | No |
I'm not big on yelling "last chance" and "act now."
But if there ever was a time it needed to be said, it's now.
Here are 3 reasons why:
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